My Reasons...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Reason # 3230

For the last few days, Bean has been mentioning, kind of off handedly, that she is "nervous" about Monday (V-Day)... At first, I thought that it was because her "Secret Valentine" is a boy that she happens to be really close to.  

The kids are supposed to exchange a gift with their "Secret Valentine" on Monday ($1.00).  We went to Target on Saturday and she is looking for stuff in the dollar section... She's rejecting everything....

"B" won't really like this..."

So I told her that we could break the $1.00 rule if she found something else (under $5.00).  

"Oh yeah!!!! "B" will like this... Now we have to wrap it!"

Wait, Bean- I don't think you have to get all fancy and wrap it...

"Oh here's a bag!  Red is his favorite color.  This is perfect... I'm really nervous about Monday..."

Fast Forward to Sunday... Running errands...

"Mom, can we go get Hot Chocolate with Whipped Cream?  That would really help me feel less nervous about Monday..."

I'm on my way to get some coffee, anyway, so what the heck...

While looking at the gift for "B"... "Mom, I really need to put red tissue paper in this.. that would make it perfect... I'm kind of nervous about Monday..."

So we run out and get red tissue paper...

While driving in the car... "Mom, what if no one puts there name on there Valentine Box.  How will I know which card goes in which box?"  I reply, "Beanie, It's not gonna be that complicated... You've done card exchanges before... If you get confused, just ask your teacher for help..."

After a few minutes of silence, she just bursts into laughter.... HUGE laughter... "Bean... What's so funny???"

She looks at me, and in a very mocking tone says- "I'm soooooooo nervous about Monday..... hahahahahaha!!!!!  Mom- I tricked you!!!!!! hahahahah!!!!!!!"

She has been workin' me all weekend to get what she wants... I couldn't help but burst out in laughter, too... She just makes me laugh..

This is reason # 3,230 why I love my girl more than life...

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