My Reasons...

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Reason # 3,551

3,551... The Most Beautiful Girl in the World...

As I go through life with my 'special' kid, I realize more and more how important the NORMAL things are...

When Bean was younger, Birthday Party Invites were every weekend...

Because parents dictated the invitation list... You invite EVERYONE that your kid knows... You are forming relationships... 

As your child grows up, they form opinions about who is, and is not invited...

Kids begin to realize who is cool in their circle and who is not cool in their circle....

Bean has gotten less and less invites over the years...

Pre-teen girls have different standards... They are beginning to really get the 'real life' stuff... They don't want to hang with the weak ones that can be left behind....

They don't want the 'not cool' ones, the 'ugly' ones, the 'ones that don't fit in'....

We went to a party tonight... With an awesome group of girls... Who 'Got It'....

They know she is different, but, they include her in everything.... Their were a lot of girls tonight that had never met her before, but, not once, did I have to make the "Speech"... 

Not once did I have to explain about her differences....

Win/ Win...

But, this party also reminds me of the umpteenth other times that I have fend away all the other kids that call her 'weird' or 'ugly'....

Tonight was such an incredible blessing... I didn't have to bring out the speech....

But, I know that I will have to bring it out a million more times... 

Reason # 3,551... The Most Beautiful Girl in the World...

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