My Reasons...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Reason # 3,602

Reason # 3,602....

\ˈbrāv-rē, ˈbrā-və-\
The act of being brave...
Part 2

At the doctors office discussing having to put the trach back in:

Scene:  Bean is almost 10 years old and my vow to her is to keep her actively involved in all of her sugical decisions.  My vow to her is to keep her #1 involved in the decision making process.  Unless it is 'medically neccesary', she WILL have a say in whether or not we go forward with a procedure...

We KNOW that it is 'medically neccesary' to put the trach back in, and she is on board...

Putting back her feeding tube is another issue.

We have the option of an 'ng tube'- A tube that will run through her nose into her stomach.
Pros: No surgery needed
Cons: She will have a tube taped to her face for several weeks.  Will need to be taped in place. With her latex allegy and skin sensitivities, may cause some rashing or scarring.  If it comes out, we will need to go to the hospital to have it placed again with xrays and much discomfort...

We have the option of a 'g-tube'- a tube placed directly in her tummy. (she had had these placed twice before)
Pros: Once it's in, it's in.  If it comes out, I can put it back in.  No hospital trip (barring complications)
Cons: Surgery.  Her body rejected her last g-tube placement- constant infections and acid leaks... Hopefully we can keep this under control this time...

The feeding tube, either way, NEEDS to be placed, to administer food and meds...

 Her decision is to put the g-tube back in...

That is bravery...

She is making a choice and weighing her options...

As an adult, I cringe at giving blood or getting a collegen shot....

Yet, she takes it all in with a dignity that astounds me...

Maybe that is what this post should be about... Dignity...

I will save that for what we have in the weeks ahead...

Reasons Why I Love...

1 comment:

  1. So why she having her trach back in? Why a g-tube again a consideration?
