My Reasons...

Monday, April 30, 2012

Reason # 3,655

Many times, I just have no idea what is going on in my little hoarders head... She collects... VERY random stuff... Obsessively...

Lately, her obsession has been the little red sticks that come in the cheese and cracker snack packs... She has about eight so far... 

They drive me crazy and I've dreamed of just throwing them out...

Today, while driving in the car, she asked me what I thought that she was going to do with the sticks. I threw out random answers:

A Chair. A Dollhouse. A tribute to Justin Bieber. Something Pokemon related...

She told me...

"Mom. I'm gonna build a house and I'm gonna sell it for charity."

I have no idea how she is going to build a house or what charity it's for, but, bring on the freakin' red sticks!!!!!!

Anyone want to buy a stick house??? The bidding is open...

This is why I Love This Girl More Than Life!!!!!!!!

Reason #3,655

1 comment:

  1. The red sticks and her plan reminds me of Ronald McDonald house. My aunt left my mom and I in suspense. She was collecting those paper napkin rings that some restaurants have for the longest time. It drove me crazy. Why/what she going to do with those napkin rings?? My Mom and Dave received a Paper Chain Snake for their 1st wedding gift. She hangs it around her back porch. My aunt is such a clever and fascinating woman!
