My Reasons...

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Reason # 3,651 and 1,401... Hug your kiddos close...

When we become Moms, we open up this deep commitment to be the ultimate person that our child depends on. We are 'IT'.  We are the Alpha and the Omega.  We are their Warrior.  We are their ultimate Advocate.

Our children become our Alpha and Omega.  They are our Essence.  They become intertwined with our Souls.

We evolve, our spirits become One, we are involved in a bond that cannot be seperated.

Nothing is supposed to break that bond...

The idea of being faced with our childs weakness, sickness, mortality is gut-wrencing...

That is not what we are imbedded to do...

We are coded in our DNA to teach and love and mentor and support and guide...

When we are faced with opposite of everything that is in our human nature to do, it is devastating...

I almost lost Ellie, and that date, that moment, that instant will forever be imbedded in me.  It makes me fight and love and cherish every moment...

When I see a Mom who has been through that, my heart reaches out to them...

When I see a Mom who has been going through that for over a year, my heart breaks...

When I see chatter of 'making things comfortable' and 'making decisions', it makes my very being shudder...

Tonight, I hug my kiddos a liitle bit closer and I send out as much love and as many prayers as I can...

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