My Reasons...

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Reasons # 1,348 and 3,595...

Reasons # 1,348 and 3,595...

There are days that are extreme highs and there are days that are extreme lows...

Then, there are all of those days in between...

Days when life just happens... Days when Bean gets super excited about wearing a special shirt... Days when JJ decides that his Batman shirt is cooler than anything else in the world... There is nothing really special going on.

We eat breakfast.  We pack lunchboxes.  We decide if it's braids or hair down.  We decide which car is the coolest one today. We get dropped off.  We go to work.  We come home.  We eat.  We do homework.  We have our night time rituals.

But sometimes.... Just sometimes... During the course of these 'ordinary' days, something extraordinary happens...

Maybe it's as simple as someone holding the door for you.  The person in car line who waves you in.  The barista making a smiley face on your coffee.  Topping off the tank in your car just minutes before the price goes up 6 cents a gallon.  

But, there are also times that it is truly, truly extraordinary..

When someone reaches out to you and extends an offer that is so generous and thoughtful and selfless that you just stop in your tracks.  You are moved to tears...

I'm reminded today that there are people in this world that are amazing and generous... We are all in this world together and it makes it so much better when we really do 'pay it forward', instead of that just being a tag line on our facebok pages...

Please take the time today, and every day, to make it extraordinary... Not just for yourself, but for those around you...

Thank you to those 'someone specials'... I hope that I can remember, everyday, to follow your lead...

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