My Reasons...

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Reason # 1,210

John John Speak...

My awesome, beautiful, speech-delayed boy has his own language sometimes...

Lately, I've noticed his wonderfully unique way of naming movies or tv shows  that he wants to watch...

'Choo Choo'
'Drop It'

To the untrained ear, these are very silly, random phrases or babbles... but, I love that I can determine what he wants...

Can you guess???

Baby = Justin Bieber 'Never Say Never'
Choo Choo = Chugginton on the Disney Channel
Dance = Ellies Dance Recital Videos
Intin = The Little Einsteins
Drop It = Rio
Princess = Beauty and the Beast
Monkey = The Lion King

I so love this boy!!!!

1 comment:

  1. should I remove your old blog?
